Mike Large

Member: Mike Large, | Owner
Company: Circafit Training Centre
Category: Fitness/Wellness
Phone: 905.702.0200
Website: www.circafit.com
Email: info@circafit.com
Address: 60 Armstrong Avenue, Georgetown On L7G 4R9
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CircaFit Training Centres are some of Canada’s most unique fitness facilities taking the Outdoors and bringing them Indoors with a Fun Organic Workout in a group setting with one of our CircaFit Certified Trainers.
Our Programs are built to direct constant Muscle Confusion in turn offering greater fitness results in a shorter time frame. No matter what your fitness goals, whether better general health, to lose weight, become stronger or to become a better athlete.
Our Professional Trainers will not only push you to obtain the best results, they will also have a watchful eye to ensure proper technique and movement.
We offer 3 levels of CircaFit Circuits that will allow you to attend classes that are suited to your fitness capabilities.
The CircaFit Training Centres also offer Sports Specific Team Training Programs. Give your team an advantage over the competition, with a guaranteed improvement in Speed, Agility, Endurance and Power targeted specifically towards your sport.,
At CircaFit we offer several martial arts programs including Thai Boxing, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Cardio KickFit classes.